πŸ›‘οΈWeb3 - Safety, Troubleshooting & Best practices

Staying Safe, Web3 Best Practices and Troubleshooting DeFi Activity

Introduction - Web3 - Safety & Best practices

Web3 represents the next phase of the internet, focusing on decentralized applications (dApps), blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Presearch is proud to participate. While Web3 offers numerous advantages such as increased autonomy and transparency, it also comes with its own set of challenges. This guide provides simple troubleshooting steps, best practices, and security tips for engaging with Web3.

For more information feel free to check out our related Blog Posts from below:

Troubleshooting Guide


  1. Be Patient, over-clicking can exacerbate an issue

  2. Use only one wallet extension per browser

  3. See Tutorial video here on Base bridging and depositing liquidity in Aerodrome

  4. See Tutorial video here on depositing liquidity in Uniswap and our LP token staking protocol

1. Connectivity Issues

  • Issue: Unable to connect to a blockchain network or frozen

  • Solution:

    • Ensure your internet connection is stable and working

    • Check if your wallet (e.g., MetaMask) is connected to the correct network (Ethereum Mainnet, Base Mainnet, etc.)

    • Restart your browser or wallet application

    • Clear your browser's cache and cookies

    • Try a different browser

    • Restart your computer

2. Transaction Errors

  • Issue: Transactions are not going through or are stuck

  • Solution:

    • Ensure you have enough ETH gas (transaction fees) in your wallet, on both sides of the chain if interacting cross-chain.

    • Check if the network is congested; you might need to increase the gas fee.

    • Verify the transaction details before resubmitting.

    • Use a block explorer (e.g., Etherscan) to check the transaction status.

    • Enable pop-ups.

    • Try a different browser.

    • Make sure the dApp is compatible with your browser or wallet.

    • Clear the cache and reload the dApp.

    • Contact the dApp's support for specific issues.

    • Ensure you enter the correct password or PIN (case sensitive).

    • If using hardware wallets, enable pop-ups or try a different browser.

    • Adjust Slippage Tolerance.

Note: sometimes the wallet will say that the transaction has been cancelled or errors out but it has actually been executed. Again, be patient, refresh, check your blockchain wallet on Etherscan or Basescan

3. Unlisted Network or Tokens

  • Issue: Desired Network (Chain) or token not populating the wallet

  • Solution:

    • Add Custom Chain...always use the Chain’s Main website docs for reference, do not simply search for the Chain ID. For Base, go here: https://docs.base.org/docs/using-base/

    • Add Custom Token in your wallet - always make sure you are interacting with the official PRE contract on Ethereum network or Base network. Correct token contracts can always be found in Tokenomics section for additional verification.

4. Liquidity Providing Issues

Β§ See our Tutorial Video here:

One Aerodrome specific issue is when you are trying to stake your liquidity after providing (depositing), you sometimes need to go to the dashboard and click the stake from there. Without staking your LP in Aerodrome, you will not receive a portion of the AERO emissions.

Best Practices

1. Secure Your Wallet

  • Always back up your seed phrase and store it in a safe place, preferably not in the computer.

  • Use hardware wallets for storing large amounts of cryptocurrencies.

  • Always β€œDisconnect your device” from dApp after use, if you don’t, the contents of the wallet are vulnerable.

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) if available.

  • Consider a Web3 Browser security extension i.e. Wallet Guard or Pocket Universe.

2. Verify URLs and Applications

  • Always verify the URL of the dApp or wallet service.

  • Avoid clicking on links from unknown or untrusted sources, especially sign-in requests.

  • Use bookmark links for frequently visited Web3 services.

3. Regular Updates

  • Keep your wallet and browser extensions up to date.

  • Regularly update your operating system and antivirus software.

4. Education and Awareness

  • Stay informed about common phishing and scam tactics.

  • Educate yourself on how blockchain and smart contracts work.

Security Issues to Watch Out For

Pro Tips

  1. Use a dedicated second device for 2fa in airplane mode.

  2. Never connect to public Wi-Fi.

  3. Use a VPN as often as possible.

  4. Be patient and take your time. Rushing could make you vulnerable to signing an unwarranted action or something else.

  5. Use several wallets on different browsers, even different devices when dealing with large quantities of assets. Spread out the assets to reduce a single point of failure.

  6. Backup everything in a super organized fashion but do not store private keys on a computer. Use a thumb drive or even better, a hardware wallet.

1. Phishing Attacks

  • Description: Fake websites or emails designed to steal your private keys or seed phrases.

  • Precaution: Always double-check URLs and never share your private keys or seed phrases.

2. Malware and Keyloggers

  • Description: Malicious software that can capture your keystrokes or take control of your computer.

  • Precaution: Use reputable antivirus software and avoid downloading files from untrusted sources.

3. Social Engineering

  • Description: Manipulative tactics used to trick you into giving away sensitive information.

  • Precaution: Be skeptical of unsolicited messages or requests for personal information.

4. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

  • Description: Bugs or flaws in smart contracts that can be exploited.

  • Precaution: Only interact with well-reviewed and audited smart contracts.

5. Unverified dApps

  • Description: dApps that have not been thoroughly vetted or audited.

  • Precaution: Research and use dApps with a good reputation and user reviews.


Engaging with Web3 technologies offers exciting opportunities but also requires vigilance and adherence to best practices. By following the troubleshooting steps, adhering to best practices, and being aware of potential security issues, you can enjoy a safer and more seamless Web3 experience.

Last updated